Graduate Division Fellowships
Graduate Division offers a variety of Fellowship opportunities. Deadlines and application materials for Berkeley, Graduate Division, and extramural fellowships can be found on the Graduate Division Fellowships website.
Incoming students are eligible for consideration for Fellowships for Entering Students. During the Admission review process, the committee also makes fellowship competition recommendations. The Graduate Division application provides the necessary information that will be used for consideration, no additional fellowship application is required.
Support for Student Parents & Caregivers
Student parents comprise about 10% of Berkeley’s graduate population. Berkeley is committed to supporting policies, programs, and services to help student parents meet their family care obligations while they pursue their academic goals. The Graduate Council of the Academic Senate has approved academic accommodation policies designed to be supportive of graduate students with substantial parenting responsibilities.
For more information, visit the Support for Student Parents & Caregivers section of the Graduate Division page.
BSE Fellowships
The School of Education offers funding opportunities for students across all degree programs. In addition to the Graduate Division’s Fellowship opportunities listed on their website, the BSE may offer additional funding depending on your degree program, funding may be a part of a standard funding package or a funding competition. For Masters students, funding competition materials and information will be available upon admission recommendation.
For PhD students in year 3 and beyond, the School of Education sponsors a Continuing Student Fellowship Competition. Applications are available in March and students must apply by mid-April. Applications will be emailed to students in March, awards are for the next academic year.
Conference Grants
Students may submit an application for funding from the BSE if presenting at or attending a conference. In addition, the Graduate Assembly also has a travel program, as does the Graduate Division. For more information, send an email to Liliana Hernandez, lilihr@berkeley.edu
Tuition and Fees
Tuition and Fees are determined by the Office of the Registrar, for current information, visit the Office of Registrar's Fee Schedule.