The professional development of practicing educators critically informs and extends the mission of Berkeley's School of Education. Our programs, and those sponsored by other units on campus with whom we collaborate, represent our commitment to the ongoing professional learning needs of educators in California schools and districts, and represent a significant contribution of our faculty and staff to the quality of K-12 education.
The BSE is home to professional development for teachers, teacher leaders, school and system-level leaders, and school psychologists. Offerings are informed by educational research, ongoing research projects, collaboration with expert practitioners, as well as state and local policy. Our professional development is focused on supporting educators in urban communities and schools, combining foundational knowledge and professional skill with a strong orientation toward social justice and equity. The programs embrace the aspirations reflected in the Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards, and also understand that a robust educational experience requires still more – an integration of the arts, a well-honed social and historical sensibility, a relentless focus on equity, and the pursuit of the social, emotional and physical well-being of both children and adults.
Through an intra-campus coalition of professional learning units on campus, UC Berkeley Professional Development Providers (UCBPDP), BSE professional development programs also collaborate with other units to support lifelong learning for educators throughout their careers, bridging K-16 communities of research and practice.
Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders
Bay Area Writing Project (BAWP)
BAWP is an organization of, by, and for teachers of writing at all grade levels and in all disciplines, dedicated to improving the teaching and uses of writing through a variety of programs–both on the university campus and in the schools of the Bay Area. Some programs are fee-based. More about BAWP.
College & Career Alliance Support Network (CCASN)
CCASN offers professional development, coaching, resource materials, and technical assistance for secondary educators, schools, and districts. CCASN also conducts research to document and improve practice, and advises policymakers at all levels. More about CCASN.
California Reading & Literature Project (CRLP)
CRLP provides high quality, standards-based teacher professional development in reading and academic language instruction. More about CRLP.
Teaching & Learning in Digital Spaces (T&LDS)
This certificate program's core topics include examining the principles for designing online courses (pre-K to higher ed); creating transformative learning communities that serve a diversity of students; motivating students (and teachers) with digital materials; understanding and evaluating digital learning tools; among other topics. This program is fee-based. More about T&LDS.
UC Berkeley Professional Development Providers (UCBPDP)
UCBPDP is a coalition of professional learning units located at UC Berkeley that partner directly with K-16 teachers, instructional leaders, and administrators from Bay Area schools and districts. More about UCBPDP.
School Site Administrators
21CSLA State Center
21CSLA is dedicated to the professional learning and support of California’s educational leaders—teacher, site, and district—to create more equitable learning environments that ultimately improve success for underserved students. More about the 21CSLA State Center.
21CLSA Alameda Regional Academy
The Regional Academy focuses on the areas of leadership development; coaching; disciplinary-specific learning; curriculum development; distance learning; and technical assistance, among others. More about the 21CLSA Alameda Regional Academy.
Leadership Support Program (Clear ASC Program)
LSP is an induction and support program for a diverse community of school leaders who will improve California’s public schools that serve vulnerable and historically underserved students, with a particular focus on issues of equity and social justice. This is a fee-based, 2-year program for those currently holding a leadership administrative position, and possess (or have applied for) a valid California Preliminary Administrative Service Credential or a Variable Term Waiver. More about LSP.
Professional Learning for K–12 Leaders
Other BSE coaching programs for practicing leaders. Some of the programs are fee-based.
Teaching & Learning in Digital Spaces (T&LDS)
This certificate program's core topics include examining the principles for designing online courses (pre-K to higher ed); creating transformative learning communities that serve a diversity of students; motivating students (and teachers) with digital materials; understanding and evaluating digital learning tools; among other topics. This program is fee-based. More about T&LDS.
UC Berkeley Professional Development Providers (UCBPDP)
UCBPDP is a coalition of professional learning units located at UC Berkeley that partner directly with K-16 teachers, instructional leaders, and administrators from Bay Area schools and districts. More about UCBPDP.
School and Systems Administrators
21CSLA State Center
21CSLA is dedicated to the professional learning and support of California’s educational leaders—teacher, site, and district—to create more equitable learning environments that ultimately improve success for underserved students. More about the 21CSLA State Center.
21CLSA Alameda Regional Academy
The Regional Academy focuses on the areas of leadership development; coaching; disciplinary-specific learning; curriculum development; distance learning; and technical assistance, among others. More about the 21CLSA Alameda Regional Academy.
Leadership Support Program (Clear ASC Program)
LSP is an induction and support program for a diverse community of school leaders who will improve California’s public schools that serve vulnerable and historically underserved students, with a particular focus on issues of equity and social justice. This is a fee-based, 2-year program for those currently holding a leadership administrative position, and possess (or have applied for) a valid California Preliminary Administrative Service Credential or a Variable Term Waiver. More about LSP.
Professional Learning for K–12 Leaders
Other BSE coaching programs for practicing leaders. Some of the programs are fee-based.
Teaching & Learning in Digital Spaces (T&LDS)
This certificate program's core topics include examining the principles for designing online courses (pre-K to higher ed); creating transformative learning communities that serve a diversity of students; motivating students (and teachers) with digital materials; understanding and evaluating digital learning tools; among other topics. This program is fee-based. More about T&LDS.
UC Berkeley Professional Development Providers (UCBPDP)
UCBPDP is a coalition of professional learning units located at UC Berkeley that partner directly with K-16 teachers, instructional leaders, and administrators from Bay Area schools and districts. More about UCBPDP.