Leadership Programs

your dedication makes a difference. read our december newsletter.
Rebecca Cheung

Dr. Rebecca Cheung
Assistant Dean, Leadership Programs
Director, 21CSLA State Center

Staff contact: 
Rae Yuen

Dr. Jabari Mahiri
Faculty Director, Leadership Programs
Professor of Education
Brinton Family Endowed Chair in Urban Education

Our Mission

The mission of the Leadership Programs is to develop and sustain a diverse community of equity and justice-focused teacher, school, and system leaders who transform public education, especially for marginalized and historically underserved students.

We engage in applied synergistic investigations and the development of innovative practices around this common purpose. Our collective work is framed by three overarching questions:

  • What does equity and justice-focused leadership look like in practice?
  • How are equity and justice leaders effectively developed and sustained?
  • How must educational systems be transformed to be more equitable and just?

Professional Development Events at UC Berkeley