Kyle Beckham

Before joining Berkeley Teacher Education Program (BTEP) as a lecturer and co-director, Kyle completed his doctoral work in Race, Inequality, and Language in Education (RILE) at Stanford in 2019. His research focused on alternative approaches to schooling, teaching, and learning, particularly in continuation high schools in California. Prior to graduate study, he taught high school history and humanities, literacy, and media arts for ten years in San Francisco and Oakland. Along with a collective of other district teachers, he helped co-create SFUSD's Ethnic Studies program.

He has taught and co-taught courses in child and adolescent development, the social and cultural foundations of schooling, African American educational history, the history of school reform, Ethnic Studies, curriculum design and development at Stanford, the University of San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and Alder Graduate School of education.

In BTEP, Kyle co-teaches the theory focused side of the summer social foundations course. In the fall, he teaches Curriculum Design and Development for Project-Based Learning, and in fall and spring leads the Master of Arts preparation Practitioner Action Research Seminar, and co-teaches the secondary practicum. 


Beckham, K., & Vossoughi, S. (2020). From the poverty of culture to the power of politics: the evolution of WEB Du Bois. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education14(2), 75-86.Identity, Race and Racism in the US

Beckham K., Concordia A. (Spring, 2019). We don’t want to just study the world, we want to change It: Ethnic Studies and the development of transformative students and educators. In Rethinking Ethnic Studies. Rethinking Schools.

Friedlaender, D., Beckham, K., Zheng, X., & Darling-Hammond, L.  (2015). Growing a Waldorf-Inspired Approach in a Public School District.  Stanford, CA: Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education.
