
All News

September 18, 2019

By the Writing Data Stories Research Group

WRITING DATA STORIES is a new project that seeks to reorganize how young people, especially linguistically and ethnoracially minoritized students, learn about and interact with data. The project will engage middle school students in exploring scientific datasets about earth and the environment using flexible online data visualization and analysis tools.

By Erin Chan Ding
Contributing Writer

As a restorative justice program coordinator at her alma mater Berkeley High School, Mahasan Offutt-Chaney started wondering about how her everyday work intersected with educational policy.

She began asking, “How are some students in particular, like black students, over-policed and penalized and suspended in school? How are schools practicing punitive practices?”

Professor Geoffrey Saxe, who studies cognitive development with a focus on mathematical cognition, has retired after 21 years at the Graduate School of Education.

Professor Susan Holloway, whose interdisciplinary approach to research explores the conditions that support parents’ childrearing goals and practices, emotional wellbeing, and parenting self-efficacy, has retired after 22 years at the Graduate School of Education.

Plants eat dirt. Heat causes climate change.

While these statements might not be entirely scientifically accurate, they can serve as the beginning of deeper discussions and explorations rather than shutting down a student’s thinking about scientific processes.

September 4, 2019

Frederick Reif, emeritus professor in Physics and Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, and founder of Berkeley's science and mathematics education interdiscplinary docotral program, died on August 11th, 2019. He was 92. A member of the Carnegie Mellon faculty for eleven years, he taught previously at UC Berkeley for twenty-nine years and the University of Chicago for eight years.

May 24, 2019

March 6, 2019

In the year that we commemorate the 400th anniversary of the beginning of African enslavement in U.S. history, the annual Graduate School of Education Dean’s Forum will feature Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, New York Times best-selling author, and 2016 National Book Award Winner in Nonfiction, Professor of History and International Relations, and the Founding Director of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University.