Presentation Title | Presenters | Date and Location |
White and/or Privileged Parent Coconstruction of Organizing for a District-Wide PTA. | Talia Leibovitz | Wed., Nov. 16, 2:20–3:30; 403 | Cispus |
Mechanisms of Reproduction Within an Equity-Mentoring Program | Joy Esboldt | Wed., Nov. 16, 2:20–3:30; 407 | Satsop |
Equity Conscious Leaders: Educating for an Anti-Racist World | Jabari Mahiri, Julia Zhu | Thurs., Nov. 17, 5:15–6:30 pm; Columbia Ballroom A |
Supporting Sustainability in School Site Principals | Soraya Sablo Sutton | Fri., Nov. 18, 10:40–11:50 am; 301 | Ashnola |
"Come, 'be' and become": Understanding the Role of Targeted Professional Learning for Black Male Leaders | Tr'Vel Lyons, Todd Irving, Jerome Gourdine, Cheryl Domenichelli | Fri., Nov 18, 10:40–11:50 am; 404 | Entiat |
Black Politics and Resistance: Leading for Change | Rachel Williams | Fri., Nov. 18, 10:40–11:50 am; 302 | Beckler |
Transformative Leadership through Critical Reflection in Professional Communities | Aki Murata, Quennie Dong, Xueqin Lin | Fri., Nov. 18, 1:20–2:30 pm; 302 | Beckler |
Immigrants in a Market-Oriented Education System: How a School in Chile Mediates Structural Inequity | María Eugenia Rojas | Fri., Nov. 18, 1:20–2:30 pm; 403 | Cispus |
“We’re in it together”: Interprofessional preparation as a precursor to interdisciplinary collaboration in schools | Lihi Rosenthal, Rebecca Cheung | Fri., Nov. 18, 2:40–3:50 pm; 404 | Entiat |
Leading systems you aim to transcend: Preparing for “good trouble” in an unjust world | Lihi Rosenthal, Ozge Hacifazlioglu, Guthrie Fleischman, Samuel Santos | Fri., Nov. 18, 4:00–5:10 pm; 402 | Chiliwack |
Developing Instructional Leadership Teams in the Next Level of Work | Corrine Aramburo, Heinrich Mintrop | Fri., Nov. 18, 4:00–5:10 pm; 502 | Cowlitz |
Risk and Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Voices From School Leaders | Meg Stomski, Aukeem Ballard, Chunyan Yang, Ozge Hacifazlioglu | Sat., Nov. 19, 1:20–2:30 pm; 402 | Chiliwack |
Equity-Oriented Mentoring and Mechanisms of Oppressive Reproduction | Joy Esboldt | Sat., Nov. 19, 2:40–3:50 pm; Virtual Paper Session in Whova |
White and/or Privileged Parent Coconstruction of Organizing for School Equity | Talia Leibovitz | Sat., Nov. 19, 2:40–3:50; Hyatt Regency Seattle: Virtual Paper Session in Whova |
Boosting School Administrator Confidence When Evaluating Special Educators Through District Support and Training | Corrine Aramburo | Sat., Nov. 19, 4:00–5:10 pm; 404 | Entiat |
Professional Learning Needs and Benefits for AAPI Educators: Implications for Leadership, Policy, and Practice | Mai Xi Lee, Quennie Dong, Chunyan Yang | Sat., Nov. 19, 4:00–5:10 pm; 404| Entiat |

Dr. Jabari Mahiri, Faculty Director, Leadership Programs

Dr. Rebecca Cheung, Assistant Dean, Berkeley School of Education, Dir., 21CSLA State Center

Dr. Chunyan Yang, professor, School Psychology Program, Berkeley School of Education

Dr. Soraya Sablo Sutton, Director, Principal Leadership Institute

Dr. Cheryl Dominicelli, Director, 21CSLA Alameda Regional Academy

Dr. Lihi Rosenthal, Director, Leaders for Equity and Democracy

Dr. Kim Wallace, Associate Director, 21CSLA State Center

Dr. Ozge Hacifazlioglu, Visiting Professor, Berkeley School of Education

Dr. Aki Murata, Research Coordinator, 21CSLA
State Center

Quennie Dong, Ph.D. student, Berkeley School of Education

Joy Esbolt, Ph.D. student

Guthrie Fleischman, Leaders for Equity and Democracy doctoral student

Aukeem Ballard, Ph.D. student, Berkeley School of Education

Talia Leibovitz, Ph.D. student

Mai Xi Lee, Leaders for Equity and Democracy doctoral student

Samuel Santos, LEAD doctoral student