AERA 2024: Photo gallery

Berkeley School of Education's students, faculty, and staff had a strong showing and terrific experience at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Enjoy these photos from the event April 11-14, 2024, in Philadelphia.

Awards & Honors

three people on stage professor kris gutierrez in the middle accepting research award
professor zeus leonardo accepting accepting senior scholar award
three people on stage assistant professor travis bristol in the middle accepting early career award
group image of s i g 73 everyone looking at camera professor eos trinidad in back row second from left


(left, top) Distinguished Professor Kris D. Gutiérrez (center) accepting AERA's Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award.

(left, bottom) Professor Zeus Leonardo (right) accepting the Senior Scholar Award from AERA's Critical Examination of Race, Ethnicity, Class and Gender in Education SIG 27.

(right, top) Associate Professor Travis J. Bristol (center) accepting AERA's Early Career Award.

(right, bottom) Assistant Professor Jose Eos Trinidad with other members of AERA's Organizational Theory SIG 73. Trinidad, who was elected the SIG's program chair, presented research titled “Organizational Design and Strategic Patchwork: Creating Social Networks for Educational Equity in the Global South.”


doctoral students Meg Escudé and Aukeem Ballard standing near screen with title slide
wide angle with assistant professor tolani britton at the podium and other speakers to her left
professor glynda hull standing at podium speaking to audience


(left, top) Doctoral student Ashley Zhou presenting research titled, “Situating Affect in Cultural Historical Context: Implications for Inquiries Into Power” Zhou also co-chaired the session, “Grounded in Justice and Joy: Critical Empirical and Conceptual Explorations of Affect.”

(left, bottom) Doctoral students Meg Escudé and Aukeem Ballard presenting their research, “They, Too, Deserve Justice and Joy: Learning Through Affective Economies in Justice-Centered Classrooms.” 

(right, top) Associate Professor Tolani Britton presenting research titled, “The Keys to Endurance: An Investigation of the Institutional Factors Relating to the Persistence of Historically Black Colleges and Universities.” 

(right, bottom) Distinguished Professor Glynda Hull speaking at the Presidential Session titled "Scholarship That Befits a Democracy: Disrupting Educational Inequality Through the Scholarship of Mike Rose."

Joy + Smiles

felice levine tyrone johnson and janelle scott toasting at the closing ceremony
overview shot of people socializing at cuba libre restaurant
four people socializing around a high top cocktail table at cuba libre restaurant
group picture left to right Professor Glynda Hull with doctoral students Meg Everett, Pa Vue, and Isaac Felix
Berkeley's Associate Athletics Director of  D E I B J Ty ron Douglas takes a selfie with B S E Associate Professor Travis Bristol, and seven Berkeley undergrads
Visiting Scholar Lance McCready doctoral student Aukeem Ballard and B S E alum Tadashi Dozono all smiling at camera


(left, top) Cheers! Another successful AERA Annual Meeting. At the Closing Ceremony with (l to r) AERA Executive Director Felice Levine; AERA President Tyrone Johnson; and incoming AERA President and BSE Professor Janelle T. Scott.

(left, middle and bottom) A warm and lively celebration at BSE's reception, held at Cuba Libre restaurant.

(right, top) (l to r) Professor Glynda Hull with doctoral students Meg Everett; Pa Vue; and Isaac Felix. Hull chaired the session titled “Transformative Digital Spaces: Disrupting Traditional Notions of Learning and Reimagining Educational Possibilities Through Social Media.” Everett presented research titled “Centering Student Experiences With TikTok in a Critical Media Literacy Course;” Vue presented research titled “Participatory Learning and Endangered Language Reclamation on Instagram;” and Felix presented research titled “Transfronterizxs Amidst COVID-19: Social Media Ethnography as an Innovative Method to Study Border-Crossing Literacy Practices.”

(right, middle) UC Berkeley Associate Athletics Director, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging & Justice Ty-ron Douglas (left) captures this selfie with BSE Associate Professor Travis J. Bristol, and the Berkeley undergraduates who attended AERA with Bristol with funding support from UC Links. Go Bears!

(right, bottom) (l to r) University of Toronto Associate Professor and BSE Visiting Scholar Lance McCready PhD '02, MA '98; BSE doctoral student Aukeem Ballard; and CSU Channel Islands Assistant Professor and BSE alum Tadashi Dozono PhD '16. McCready’s presented research titled “Black Queer Male Students and Educational Desire in Community Programs;” Ballard presented research titled “They, Too, Love: Black Boyhood Love-Work as Liberatory Learning and Praxis in Schools;” and Dozono chaired the session titled “Black Boys Dream of Love and Justice.”

More Presentations

Professor Gina Garcia at the podium speaking to the audience
Rebecca Cheung at podium speaking with three people seated at table
U-C Berkeley undergraduate Wesley Veiga facilitates a discussion with participants seated in a circle
Distinguished Professor of the Graduate School Geoffrey Saxe standing at podium speaking to audience