Armando Fox is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) at UC Berkeley and a co-PI of the ASPIRE Lab. As of Fall 2012, he is also the Director of the Berkeley MOOCLab, whose mission is to stimulate and fund research related to online-enhanced education that is then incorporated into both online and in-classroom courses and materials, closely tying MOOC development to rigorous research in online learning.
Prior to his work at UC Berkeley, he was on the Computer Science faculty at Stanford. He received his PhD, MS and BS degrees at Berkeley, Illinois and MIT, respectively. His current research interests include applied statistical machine learning, Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud computing, highly-productive parallel programming, and online education, especially in programming and software engineering. With Prof. David Patterson, he launched Berkeley's first MOOC (CS 169.1x on based on their successful reinvention of the undergraduate software engineering course, and co-authored the accompanying e-textbook Engineering Software as a Service.
In addition to the usual distinctions (NSF CAREER, ACM Distinguished Member, etc.), his 2003 collaboration with Professor David Patterson on Recovery-Oriented Computing earned him the distinction of being included in the "Scientific American 50" top researchers. In previous lives, he helped design the Intel Pentium Pro microprocessor and founded a company to commercialize his UC Berkeley dissertation research on mobile computing.