UC Berkeley Professional Development Providers

UC Berkeley Professional Development Providers (UCBPDP) is a community of practice among professional learning units located at UC Berkeley that partner directly with K-16 teachers, instructional leaders, and administrators from Bay Area schools and districts. We aim to support lifelong learning for educators throughout their careers, bridging K-16 communities of research and practice. Contact: UCB_PD@berkeley.edu

UCBPDP updated logo

UC Berkeley Programs for Teachers

Bay Area Mathematics Project (BAMP)

Since 1983, the Bay Area Mathematics Project (BAMP) has offered inspiring professional learning opportunities for K-12 mathematics teachers, instructional coaches, and administrators in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Marin, Sonoma, Solano, and Napa counties. Specializing in support for Common Core implementation and preparation for the new Smarter Balanced assessments, BAMP has a particular focus on equity and supporting English learners. Learn more about BAMP's programs.

Bay Area Science Project (BASP)

The Bay Area Science Project (BASP) is a teacher leadership network committed to quality science education that is equitable and accessible for all students, and is based on research, sound teaching strategies, and teachers' experience of effective classroom practice. Learn more about BASP's programs

Bay Area Writing Project (BAWP)

The BAY AREA WRITING PROJECT (BAWP) is an organization of, by, and for teachers of writing across grade levels (K-16) and disciplines. We are dedicated to improving the teaching and uses of writing across subject areas through a variety of programs–both on the university campus, in Bay Area schools, and internationally. Since 1974, BAWP has been a vital resource not only in the teaching of writing but also as a model of professional development, teacher leadership, and instructional transformation. Firmly rooted in the belief that teachers are the best teachers of teachers, BAWP offers professional development taught by experienced and effective teachers. Each year we serve hundreds of teachers and their students throughout the Bay Area and beyond. Learn more about BAWP's programs.

Berkeley World Language Project (BWLP)

BWLP provides programs for World Language, EL, and Heritage Language teachers to develop instructional practices that engage all learners. Offers technology workshops for WL teachers, PBLL (Project-based Language Learning), and World Language Teacher Leadership training. Provides professional development for world language teachers at sites and on the UC Berkeley campus focusing on engaging students with standards-based instruction that embeds literacy skills and the inquiry process. Learn more about BWLP's programs.

Cal Performances Classroom

The Cal Performances Classroom holds that artistic literacy is a human right, as important as language and numerical literacy. Students (grades K-16) and teachers develop artistic literacy in the Cal Performances Classroom as they experience world-class performances at SchoolTime matinees, interact with the artistic process, learn skills within specific disciplines, explore artistic concepts, follow lines of inquiry, and engage in rigorous creative practice. Learn more about the Cal Performances Classroom.

California Reading and Literature Project (CRLP)

CRLP supports California’s K-12 teachers and administrators with professional learning to aid in the successful implementation of the CA Common Core Standards for ELA/Literacy and English Language Development with an emphasis on providing access for all learners. Learn more about CRLP's programs.

Center for Cities + Schools (CC+S)

Founded in 2004 and housed within the Institute of Urban and Regional Development (IURD), the Center for Cities + Schools (CC+S) promotes high quality education as an essential component of urban and metropolitan vitality to create equitable, healthy, and sustainable communities for all. CC+S's Y-PLAN (Youth - Plan, Learn, Act, Now) Initiative empowers young people to tackle real-world problems in their communities through project-based civic learning experiences directly in their core curricular classrooms. As an action research initiative, Y-PLAN has engaged thousands of young people and hundreds of schools, teachers, and civic partners across the United States and around the world over the past two decades. Learn more about Y-PLAN and more about the Centerfor Cities and Schools.

College and Career Alliance Support Network (CCASN)

Founded in 1998, the College and Career Alliance Support Network (CCASN) is committed to bold strategies that will transform California’s education system. CCASN continues to engage in a broad range of efforts and partnerships that align research findings with practical solutions for educators, leaders and learning communities that improve college and career readiness for all students, in particular, those furthest from opportunity. CCASN offers professional and leadership development, coaching, resource materials, and technical assistance for educators, schools, and districts in and beyond California. CCASN also conducts research to document and improve effective practices, and promotes policies that elevate institutional equity at every systemic level, PK - 20. Learn more about the College and Career Alliance Support Network.

Labor Occupational Health Program (LOHP) — Young Worker Project

LOHP’s mission is to promote safe, healthy, and just workplaces and build the capacity of workers and worker organizations to take action for improved working conditions. We do this through community and labor partnerships, research, education, and policy change. LOHP’s Young Worker Project focuses on our youth, by providing teaching materials and professional development workshops for teachers, an annual Young Worker Leadership Academy and other education and outreach materials for youth, and many other online resources for parents, employers and educators concerned about preparing and protecting California’s youth as they enter the workforce. Learn more about the Young Worker Project and more about Berkeley's Labor Occupational Health Program.

Lawrence Hall of Science

For 50 years the Lawrence Hall of Science has designed, led, developed, and supported high-quality science and math professional learning experiences, PeK-16, in the San Francisco Bay Area, nationally, and internationally. We offer a variety of outstanding professional learning options for educators and leaders that help districts, schools, afterschool programs, outdoor/environmental education programs, science centers, educators, parents, and youth realize the potential of activating science and math learning, and STEM literacy for all. Professional learning materials and resources developed at the Hall are used by professional developers around the world. Learn more about The Lawrence Hall of Science.

Office of Resources for International and Area Studies (ORIAS)

ORIAS provides k-12 and community college teachers with opportunities to learn new content in World History and cross-disciplinary international topics. Programs include teacher reading groups in World History topics, thematic summer institutes, periodic evening and weekend workshops, a Speakers Bureau, one-on-one work with teachers seeking resources, and collaboration with districts to organize programs for teachers. Learn more about programs at ORIAS

Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology

The Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology's mission is to steward a vast collection of objects spanning the infinite breadth of human cultures to advance knowledge and understanding. The Hearst welcomes creative uses of the Museum's collections by K-12 educators and seeks to empower educators to teach with objects and improve students' museum literacy. Two workshops per year will be held to demonstrate and discuss the process of teaching with objects, provide teachers behind-the-scenes access to collections, and explore how to connect current exhibits with curriculum. Learn more about the Phoebe A.  Hearst Museum of Anthropology's programs.

Principal Leadership Institute (PLI)

PLI prepares, inducts, and supports a diverse community of equity-focused school leaders who will improve education for vulnerable and historically underserved students in California’s public schools in support of social justice. Learn more about the Principal Leadership Institute's programs.

UC Berkeley History-Social Science Project (UCBHSSP)

UCBHSSP offers a wide range of professional learning opportunities for history teachers at sites, across districts, and on the UC Berkeley campus. Programs incorporate explicit planning for history, with an emphasis on the development of curricular materials that incorporate inquiry, literacy, and disciplinary thinking. Learn more about the UC Berkeley History-Social Science Project.

UC Berkeley Programs for Students

National Writing Project (NWP)

The National Writing Project focuses the knowledge, expertise, and leadership of our nation's educators on sustained efforts to improve writing and learning for all learners. Learn more about the National Writing Project

Bay Area Writing Project (BAWP)

The BAY AREA WRITING PROJECT (BAWP) is an organization of, by, and for teachers of writing across grade levels (K-16) and disciplines. We are dedicated to improving the teaching and uses of writing across subject areas through a variety of programs–both on the university campus, in Bay Area schools, and internationally. Since 1974, BAWP has been a vital resource not only in the teaching of writing but also as a model of professional development, teacher leadership, and instructional transformation. Firmly rooted in the belief that teachers are the best teachers of teachers, BAWP offers professional development taught by experienced and effective teachers. Each year we serve hundreds of teachers and their students throughout the Bay Area and beyond. Learn more about BAWP's programs.

UC Berkeley Academic Talent Development Program (ATDP)

UC Berkeley’s Academic Talent Development Program (ATDP) offers challenging summer classes for high achieving and motivated young scholars. Since 1982, the program has invited excelling students from the Bay Area and around the world into a unique academic community. We look for strong students from all backgrounds who are hardworking, enjoy learning, and are prepared for an intellectually stimulating and demanding summer class. Learn more about the Academic Talent Development Program