21CSLA Research-Practice Brief: Approaching Research–Practice Partnerships


Research–practice partnerships (RPPs) have emerged as a promising approach for school improvement and promoting equity. For the sake of this brief, we address RPPs as long- term commitments between a research organization (e.g., university) and an educational institution (school or district). RPP participants focus on using research to address problems of practice and are committed to mutualism and reciprocity among diverse experts (leaders, practitioners,
and researchers). RPPs are intended to provide locally relevant data, centering practitioners’ perspectives, that can immediately inform practice. Equity-focused RPPs explicitly address relations of power and privilege both within problems of practice and the structures and relations of RPPs. Yet, navigating their complexities can present challenges. This brief provides an overview of three considerations for school and district leaders to attend to with a specific lens on equity: 1) establishing relationships, 2) defining purposes, and 3) planning participation. This brief is not meant to be a how-to guide but rather offers an overview of important considerations for leaders approaching RPPs, particularly in realizing equity goals that often remain aspirational.

Joy Esboldt
Annie Bae
Alison Munzer
Publication date: 
August 1, 2024
Publication type: