Releasing the Imagination

Releasing the Imagination: Creating an Impactful Leadership Practice 

Putting creative practices at the center of leadership and learning is an equity strategy. Developing and maintaining a creative practice illuminates personal interpretation and imagination. It values individual identity. Creative practices support innovation and invention in approaching problem solving by lifting up individual ideas and voices in a collective community. This session will engage leaders in hands-on creative processes that promote well-being and healing in communities and can both bridge and bond communities who practice together. In this session we will explore the intelligence of the artistic mind, how creative practices can support reflection and deepen understanding of standards of professional leadership and how rituals and routines can support critical movement towards change through maintaining a creative practice.

Cammie Harris

 Leaders Emeritus Alameda Unified

Constance Moore

 K-12 Art Teacher, Maya Lin School, Alameda, Children’s book illustrator

Trena Noval

Leadership Initiatives for Integrated Design for Education, the Arts and Leadership, Co-Facilitator Creative Strategies for Educational Leadership

Judy Goodwin

Leadership Coach for 21CSLA, Principal Leadership Institute, Leadership Programs