UC Berkeley Research Related Offices
Vice Chancellor for Research Office (VCRO)
The Vice Chancellor for Research Office (VCRO) provides primary leadership in research policy, planning, and administration, including relations between the university and industry, research compliance, research communications, and research support for the Berkeley campus.
Berkeley Research Development Office (BRDO)
The Berkeley Research Development Office (BRDO) provides a range of services focused on bringing more research funding to campus while decreasing faculty burden in applying for it.
- Join their mailing list to receive the quarterly newsletter including updates on funding opportunities, proposal development, policies and trainings.
Professional Schools Region (ProS)
The Professional Schools Region (ProS) helps UC Berkeley Faculty and Principal Investigators (PIs) focus on their groundbreaking and world-class research efforts by providing customized administrative and management support for research proposals, grants, awards, and contracts throughout various steps in the lifecycle.
Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA)
Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) provides the following support for sponsored awards: Award setup in UC Berkeley's financial systems, financial reporting and analysis, invoicing, accounts receivable collections, cash management, audit coordination, effort report coordination, and campuswide training and technical assistance.
Sponsored Projects Office (SPO)
Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) is responsible for reviewing and authorizing proposals for submission and for interpreting, negotiating, and accepting contracts and grants for sponsored projects funded by federal and state agencies, foundations, and other public and private sources.
- The Proposal Submission Request needs to submitted at least 10 days business days prior to the submission deadline.
- The Quickstart Administrative Guide for the ProS Schools Regions provides important information on a number of key topics including Pre-Award, Post-Award and the Research Administration Lifecycle.
- Sponsored Projects Office contact list
Research Lifecycle Resources
Seeking Funding Opportunities
- Pivot is a funding opportunity and expertise database system that combines a funding database of over 20,000 opportunities with a database of over 3 million researcher expertise profiles. The Pivot Guide (SPO) explains how to set up an account, search for opportunities, save and track opportunities and create a researcher profile.
- Funding and Award Opportunities (SPO) breaks down opportunities by selected categories.
- The Grant Deadline Annual Calendar (BSE RD) lists recurring funding and award deadlines for agencies including but not limited to: IES, Spencer, NSF, NIH, Russel Sage, UCOP, and AERA.
Proposal Development
- Proposal Writing Basics (SPO) provides guidance from NIH, NSF, Candid, and other sources
- Proposal Budget Basics (SPO) outlines budget and cost categories, justifications and includes sample budgets. Special attention should be paid to the policies and updated information in regards to Facilities and Administrative (Indirect Cost) Rates while developing and managing a projected budget.
- Standard Institutional Information for Proposals (SPO) is a quick reference guide for important campus information.
- Grant material repository: (coming Fall 2024) We are building a repository of materials for faculty generating a new proposal. If you would like to share examples of specific proposal documents or would like to access the repository, email Renee Starowicz at bse-rd@berkeley.edu (access by request only).
- Proposal Submission Request (ProS) this form connects you directly to your Research Administrator. They will let you know the deadlines for your proposal materials and can assist you in finalizing your budget. Please forward the copy of your form submission to Renee Starowicz at bse-rd@berkeley.edu
- Process and Submission Timeline (ProS) describes the number of days required for the preparation and review of your proposal by the pre-award team and SPO.
- Management Responsibilities (CGA) describes the responsibilities of the PI and SPO in managing an award.
- Time-frames and Responsibilities (ProS) provides a breakdown of the specific tasks and time estimations in processing an award.
- PI Portfolio provides and overview of the dashboard, its features and tips on tracking your current balances.
- PI Portfolio User Guide describes access, features such as filtering and how to leverage pages and projections with your projects.
Across multiple timepoints in the process
- ProS Region Research Administration
- ProS Region Quick Start Administrative Guide provides guidance on many research activities including purchasing, hiring and research administration. Note: Page 32 provides information on Business Contracts
- Grant Life Cycle (VCRO) provides a thorough breakdown of each of the stages of a proposal to an award with a series of FAQs for each step.
- PI to RA Assignment List (ProS) specifies RAs at both Pre- and Post- Award Stages and their supervisors.
- Subaward Processing (SPO) includes details on management throughout the process.
- Who Can Help Me With …? (SPO) clarifies which offices assist with particular issues, how to register for specific workspaces, negotiating, managing funds and a number of other commonly asked questions.