Elisa Salasin co-directs the Berkeley Teacher Education Program (BTEP). She has been involved in Bay Area education since 1989, as an elementary school teacher, mentor to student teachers, university-based supervisor, Bay Area Writing Project Teacher Consultant, and teacher education lecturer. She also served as co-director of UC Berkeley's Project IMPACT, supporting teacher inquiry groups for K-12 classroom teachers–especially novices–who chose to serve in the Bay Area's low income, low-performing public schools. She was Program Director for the Developmental Teacher Education program at Berkeley from 2010 to 2018. Particular areas of interest include beginning teacher development and teacher inquiry, especially around issues of equity in classroom and school contexts. She is a founding member of the California Chapter of the National Association for Multicultural Education.
Interests and Professional Affiliations
Equity and Diversity
Multicultural Education
Practitioner Knowledge and Inquiry
Professional Development for Educators
Teacher Development
Teacher Education and Certification