Kyla Kemble (she/her) is a fourth year PhD student in the school psychology program at the Berkeley School of Education, under the advisement of Dr. Frank C. Worrell. A New Jersey native, she received a Bachelor of Science in Psychology Honors at Seton Hall University in 2021.
Broadly, Kyla’s current research focuses on establishing and maintaining culturally responsive practices in classrooms, consultation and collaboration with teachers, and implicit biases in education. Additionally, she has a special interest in multiracial youth and enjoys thinking about racial socialization in schools. At UC Berkeley, Kyla serves as a Graduate Peer Support Provider through GradDiv.
Outside of UC Berkeley, Kyla is involved in the Black School Psychology Network and serves as their Graduate Student Leader. She also is a recipient of APA Division 16's BIPOC Equity in School Psychology Training Scholarship as an Advanced Student. As a future school psychologist with a Ph.D., Kyla plans to contribute to the multiracial youth literature and inform the teachers that she works with about the importance of racial socialization and culturally responsive practices.
Specializations and Interests
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy; Consultation and Collaboration; Race and Education