Apply to LSP

Applications are currently closed

Applications for the 2025–2027 LSP cohort will open in 2025.

Admissions and Fees

We will begin accepting applications for the 2025–2027 cohort in 2025.

Interested candidates must:

  • Hold a leadership administrative position
  • Possess (or have applied for) a valid California Preliminary Administrative Service Credential
  • Fees for the entire two-year program: $10,000


LSP is also available to those who live and work in the Los Angeles area. Known as LSPLA, the program is offered in partnership with the Principal Leadership Institute at UCLA Center X and features the same commission-approved program content and components, but with online Seminars and coaching based in LA.

LSPLA requires a different application process than the one above. Alumni of UCLA PLI and other LA area school leaders interested in LSPLA should follow directions here or contact Dee Dee Lonon, UCLA Site Manager.