How can education leaders develop a critical stance toward digital technologies that advances equity and safeguards the civil rights of all learners?

Our young people are immersed in technology. This technology can open doors—and further marginalize vulnerable students. Technology is not neutral. The digital world may feel beyond our locus of control, but leaders are pivotal advancing equity for our students.

Join us for the Leading for Equity Winter Summit: Understanding the Impact of the Digital Age on Our Most Vulnerable Youth. The Summit will feature speakers, a panel of youth voices, hands-on breakout sessions, and time for collaboration.

This event is open to all site, district, and teacher leaders. We encourage sites and districts to come in teams. Leaders can be technology novices, experts, and everything in between.

Summit details:

  • Dates and times: Friday, January 24, 8:30am–3:30pm and Saturday, January 25, 8:30am–12:30pm
  • Location: Hotel Shattuck Plaza, Berkeley, CA


Topics covered include:

  • Inclusive and culturally responsive STEM opportunities for young people
  • The intersection of race and technology - and how to champion equity
  • Student data privacy and the role of leaders
  • Implementing AI with care and responsibility
  • Mental health in the digital age
  • Teaching teachers to engage meaningfully with technology


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