Emily Reich

Emily Reich (she/her) is a third-year doctoral student in the Policy, Politics, and Leadership cluster in UC Berkeley's School of Education. She comes to graduate school with questions about the ways in which bureaucracy and the school staff who wield it shape the educational lives of marginalized and minitoritized students.

Prior to Berkeley, Emily taught Special Education in California and Israel. She received her BS in Special Education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.Her current research projects include studying how schools across California made use of state and federal COVID-19-related funds, examining the implementation of ethnic studies in California schools, and investigating Bagrut expansion in East Jerusalem. Emily employs qualitative methods to understand how education policies unfold in practice.

Emily serves as treasurer of the School of Education Graduate Coalition (SEGC). She is a fluent Hebrew speaker and student of colloquial Arabic.

Specializations and Interests

Educational Systems in Divided Cities, Qualitative Research Methods, Bureaucracy in Education

doctoral student emily reich smiling at camera


MA, Education, UC Berkeley
BS, Special Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison
