Facilities FAQ

General Questions

Where can I find campus emergency contact info?

Where can I sign up for emergency notifications?

  • Sign up for emergency campus notifications at UC Berkeley's Warnme website.
  • Sign up for Alameda County emergency notifications at AC Alert.

How do I badge into secure doors with my Cal 1 Card ?

Pro Tips

You can text 911.

Steps for texting 911:

  1. Enter "911" in the "To" field
  2. Text your location, the type of emergency, and your address
  3. Press "Send"
  4. Answer questions and follow instructions from the dispatcher
  5. Remain on the line until you are told to hang up

UC Berkeley employees can add/update emergency contacts through UCPath


  1. Login to UCPath (Calnet authentication required)
  2. From the dashboard, follow this click path: Employee Actions > Personal Information > Personal Information Summary > Emergency Contacts

Berkeley Way West Planned Drills

None planned at this time.


Berkeley School of Education
Berkeley Way West Building
2121 Berkeley Way, 4th Floor
Berkeley, CA 94720
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Weekends, Card key access only

Berkeley Way West Security Patrol Officer (SPO)
(510) 664-5383

BSE Facilities Manager

BSE Room Scheduler
Jeanette Luong

University of California Police Department (UCPD)
911 for emergencies
(510) 642-6760 for 24-hour non-emergency
(510) 642-3333 for 24-hour non-emergency alternate  (Campus Only)