Language, Literacy, and Culture

Cati V. de los Ríos

Cati V. de los Ríos is an Associate Professor of Language, Literacy, and Culture at UC Berkeley’s School of Education. She applies critical, sociocultural, and translingual theories to examine the literacy and language practices of immigrant, transnational, and racialized bi/multilingual youth populations. Her ethnographic, community-based, and participatory research is situated at the axes of literacy studies, educational anthropology, civic and political learning, and ethnic studies, with an emphasis on studying the linguistic-semiotic repertoires that Latina/o/x youth and families...

Patricia Baquedano-López

Patricia Baquedano-López is Professor of Education and her work examines the intersection of language and race in education. A scholar with a long-standing interest in the education of minoritized students in schools, a strand of her research focuses on Indigenous Latinx students and examines processes and practices of settler colonialism in education. Her most recent projects address the dynamics of transnational Indigenous sovereignty, return migration, and education in the Maya diaspora Yucatan-California. Professor Baquedano-López is formally affiliated faculty in the Department of...

Chunyan Yang

Dr. Yang is an associate professor of school psychology in the Berkeley School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Yang’s research interests focus on understanding how school members interact with their ecological contexts to find their resilience individually and collectively when facing risks and adversities, such as bullying, teacher-targeted violence, and mental health challenges. Three central questions focused in her research agenda are: (1) how to assess and counterbalance the risks and adversities experienced by vulnerable school members as...

Sarah W. Freedman

Sarah Warshauer Freedman studies the teaching and learning of written language, as well as ways English is taught in schools. Her research focuses on US schools but also includes cross-national comparisons. Besides studying written language, she is interested in societal divisions that lead to conflict and inequality. She has conducted research on teaching and learning about civics and has studied how adolescents on varied sides of societal divides develop as citizens and civic actors. Her work on societal divides has included research on the role of education in reconstructing societies...

Laura Sterponi

Merging my graduate degree training in developmental psychology (PhD, 2002) and in applied linguistics (PhD, 2004), I have developed a research program that is centrally concerned with the role of language and literacy practices in children’s development and education.

As a developmental psychologist, I have always been interested in discerning the sociocultural underpinnings of learning processes. The cognitive capabilities that our neurological apparatus enables us as human beings to attain do not pre-exist and are never abstracted from the social practices in which they develop...