About Us

About the Bay Area Regional Academy

The 21CSLA (21st Century California School Leadership Academy) Bay Area Regional Academy, led by the Leadership Programs at Berkeley School of Education, provides professional development and learning opportunities for educators, from teacher leaders all the way through, and including, system leaders, who are committed to equity and building a culture of deep reflection at their institutions.

The Bay Area Regional Academy focuses on the areas of leadership development, coaching, disciplinary-specific learning, curriculum development, distance learning, and technical assistance, among others. These professional learning opportunities are experienced in a variety of formats, including, but not limited to, research symposiums, curriculum development, and technical assistance.

Programs are offered at no cost to participants employed in Title II districts and schools, and will include leadership coaching as well as an emphasis on improving instruction and achievement outcomes for English Learners; students with disabilities; low-income students; and other historically marginalized students. 

In conjunction with the 21CSLA State Center, the 21CSLA Bay Area Regional Academy covers educational institutions in six counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco,  San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Solano. 

Among the major campus partners are the BSE Leadership Programs, Principal Leadership Institute (PLI), College & Career Academy Support Network (CCASN), and UC Berkeley Professional Development Providers (UCBPDP), which range in membership from the Office of Resources for International and Area Studies (ORIAS) and Cal Performances to Lawrence Hall of Science, the Bay Area Writing Project (BAWP), and the Berkeley World Language Project. 

With input from the field, the 21CSLA Bay Area Regional Academy expects to begin offering professional learning opportunities by Fall 2020.

About the 21CSLA Bay Area Regional Academy Partners

Berkeley Principal Leadership Institute (PLI). Since 1999, Berkeley PLI has prepared more than 600 educational leaders for the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond with a focus on creating more equitable schools for vulnerable and historically underserved students. Its programs offer degrees for aspiring and early career administrators including a master’s degree, and the Clear Administrative Services Credential through its Leadership Support Program. Berkeley PLI is a flagship among the BSE’s Leadership Programs, which includes Leaders for Equity and Democracy, a doctorate program.

College & Career Academy Support Network (CCASN)(link is external). Founded in 1998, CCASN is committed to bold strategies that will transform California’s education system. CCASN engages in a broad range of efforts and partnerships that align research findings with practical solutions for educators, leaders and learning communities that improve college and career readiness for all students, in particular, those furthest from opportunity. CCASN offers professional and leadership development, coaching, resource materials, and technical assistance for educators, schools, and districts in and beyond California. 

UC Berkeley Professional Development Providers (UCBPDP). UCBPDP is a coalition of professional learning units located at UC Berkeley that partner directly with K-16 teachers, instructional leaders, and administrators from Bay Area schools and districts. Participating units aim to support lifelong learning for educators throughout their careers, bridging K-16 communities of research and practice.

Leadership Team

Dr. Cheryl Domenichelli

Co-Director, 21CSLA Bay Area Regional Academy

Erin Schweng

Co-Director, 21CSLA Bay Area Regional Academy

Noelle Apostol Colin headshot

Noelle Apostol

Professional Learning Coordinator, 21CSLA Bay Area Regional Academy

Richard Zapien headshot

Richard B. Zapien

Professional Learning Coordinator, 21CSLA Bay Area Regional Academy

Dr. Rebecca Cheung

Assistant Dean, Berkeley School of Education
Director, 21CSLA State Center

Dr. Jabari Mahiri

Faculty Director, BSE Leadership Programs
Brinton Family Chair in Urban Teaching

Soraya Sablo Sutton headshot

Dr. Soraya Sablo Sutton

Director, Principal Leadership Institute

Lihi Rosenthal headshot

Dr. Lihi Rosenthal

Director, Leaders for Equity and Democracy (EdD)