
Leading for Justice Summit 2024

Day 1

8:00–8:30 Breakfast and conversation
8:30–9:00 Welcome, land acknowledgement, and connection
9:00–10:20 Opening session with Dr. Rebecca Cheung and voices from the Community Youth Panel
10:20–10:30 Break
10:30–12:30 Breakout sessions (descriptions below)
12:30–1:30 Lunch
1:30–3:15 Supported team reflection and planning time
3:15–3:30 Closing

Breakout sessions

Families as partners in UTK

This workshop unpacks strategies for authentically engaging families in the P-3 setting and addresses the mind shifts and shifts in practice leaders need to make to promote equity, inclusivity, and belonging. We will examine core beliefs that need to be in place for this engagement to happen. The session will explore what it can look like to effectively engage families as co-creators and partners (especially those who have been traditionally marginalized) and ways leaders can work to center their voices and build/foster relationships.

Lifting up youth voice with Y-PLAN

This interactive session will prepare participants to engage students critically and meaningfully in school and community-based challenges using the award-winning youth civic engagement methodology, Y-PLAN (Youth - Plan, Learn, Act, Now). Dr. Deborah McKoy and Dr. Shirl Buss will co-facilitate this workshop with three learning objectives: (1) ground the conversation in participants' current experiences and interests; (2) share the publicly available Y-PLAN methodology, toolkit, and case studies, one focused on high school and one on elementary students, and (3) engage in a hands-on Y-PLAN Mini activity to experience the process firsthand. Everyone will leave this workshop with access to materials and resources to utilize and adapt this methodology to lift up youth voices in our schools and community policies and programs.

Humanizing collegial pedagogies for transformation & justice: A workshop with YR Media Stars

This interactive workshop will be led by young media makers from YR Media (formerly Youth Radio). YR Media is an Oakland-based, award-winning media, technology and music training center and platform for emerging BIPOC content creators, who use their voices to change the world. We ground our work in equity - thinking about pedagogy as culturally-sustaining, and particularly humanizing - countering histories of dehumanization in schools. This interactive session will include a mixture of activities and small group discussions that offer time to work through concrete issues or problems with colleagues and plan for the upcoming school year, centering transformation and justice. This work fosters a sense of belonging in the classroom, inviting students to share their work, their voices, their realities!

Day 2

8:00–8:30 Breakfast and conversation
8:30–9:00 Opening and leader reflections
9:00–10:20 Bridging and belonging activity
10:20–10:30 Break
10:30–12:30 Breakout sessions (descriptions below)
12:30–1:30 Lunch
1:30–3:15 Supported team reflection and planning time
3:15–3:30 Closing

Breakout sessions

Releasing the Imagination: Lifting up Unheard Community Voices Through Empathy-Centered Creative Strategies

What are the many different stories in our community? What are the different feelings our community members have about engaging with or working in your learning community? In this workshop we will engage with creative thinking routines that can help you to mindfully embody the perspectives of those whose voices may not be present in the decisions you make as a leader. While being mindful of our own positionality in relationship to those outside of our own identities, we will begin with a visual mapping process to help you see whose voices are heard and unheard in your community. We will bring this knowledge to a creative perspective-taking routine that will allow you to build empathy and recognition of these unheard community members. Through collegial exchanges, you will leave with awareness and strategies that can help you listen more deeply and attend to unheard community needs.

Leading Inclusive Teams

Community leadership that is equitable and transformative requires attention around two of our deepest human needs: connection and belonging. This session offers resources, reflection, and support to help you self-assess and determine actions you can take to develop as an inclusive team leader. This session will be facilitated by Noelle Apostol, 21CSLA Professional Learning Coordinator.

Humanizing Collegial Pedagogies for Transformation & Justice: A Workshop with YR Media Stars

(This is a repeated session from Day 1.) This interactive workshop will be led by young media makers from YR Media (formerly Youth Radio). YR Media is an Oakland-based, award-winning media, technology and music training center and platform for emerging BIPOC content creators, who use their voices to change the world. We ground our work in equity - thinking about pedagogy as culturally-sustaining, and particularly humanizing - countering histories of dehumanization in schools. This interactive session will include a mixture of activities and small group discussions that offer time to work through concrete issues or problems with colleagues and plan for the upcoming school year, centering transformation and justice. This work fosters a sense of belonging in the classroom, inviting students to share their work, their voices, their realities!