Anne E. Cunningham, Professor

Anne Cunningham is a faculty member in the Learning Sciences and Human Development Cluster and also serves as the UCB Director of the Joint Doctoral Program in Special Education. She is a developmental scientist known for her research on literacy and development across the life span in which she examines the cognitive and motivational processes underlying reading ability and the interplay of context, development, and literacy instruction. Dr. Cunningham has been awarded several prestigious research fellowships from the National Academy of Education, National Science Foundation, and McDonnell Foundation Cognitive Studies for Educational Practice. She recently served as principal investigator of Teacher Quality: The Role of Teacher Study Groups as a Model of Professional Development in Early Literacy for Preschool Teachers, funded by the U.S. Department of Education Institute of Educational Studies.

Dr. Cunningham is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Division 15 Educational Psychology and Division 7 Developmental Psychology and a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association. She is on the editorial board of several journals (Psychological Bulletin, Scientific Studies of Reading,  Journal of Learning Disabilities, Reading Research Quarterly, Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, and The California Reader) and an ad hoc reviewer for over 10 other journals. Dr. Cunningham has been an elected board member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading and served on several expert panels for literacy initiatives, which include the The National Early Literacy Panel, California Multitudes Dyslexia Screener Advisory Panel, Reading First, Early Reading First and chairing the California Literacy and Language Preschool Foundations Panel.

Publications include Book Smart: How to Develop and Support Successful Motivated Readers, co-authored with Jamie Zibulsky, published by Oxford University Press.  Edited volumes include Developing Early Literacy: Report of the National Early Literacy Panel; Handbook on the Science of Early Literacy entitled "Measuring and Improving Teacher Knowledge" in S. Cabell, S. Neuman, and N. Patton Terry (Eds.), New York:  Guilford Press;  The Oxford Handbook of Reading entitled "Teacher Knowledge in Early Literacy" In Alexander Pollatsek & Rebecca Treiman (Eds.). New York: Oxford University Press; a special issue in the journal Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal entitled "Perspectives on Teachers' Disciplinary Knowledge of Reading Processes, Development, and Pedagogy"; and a special issue in Journal of Learning Disabilities entitled "Perceptions and Reality: What We Know About the Quality of Literacy Instruction; "Starting Small: Building Preschool Teacher Knowledge that Supports Early Literacy Development;" in Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal; and "How Teachers Would Spend their Time Teaching Language Arts: The Mismatch between Self-reported and Best Practices" in Journal of Learning Disabilities.


Books & Monographs

Cunningham, A. E. & Zibulsky, J. (under contract).  Keeping Up the Reading Habit: Using Book Time to Grow the Brain.  New York:  Oxford University Press.

Cunningham, A. E. & Zibulsky, J. (2014). Book Smart:  How to Support and Develop a Successful Motivated Reader, Oxford University Press ISBN 9780199843930

Cunningham, A. E. (2001). Prevention/Intervention: A way of thinking. Professional Development Handbook for K-3 teachers. Developed with the Reading Success Network, Southern California Comprehensive Assistance Center.
Cunningham, A. E. & Calfee, R. (1997).  A reading-writing language source book for the primary grades. San Francisco: University School Support for Educational Reform.
Cunningham, A.E., Firestone, A. Zegers, M. (2022). Measuring and Improving Teacher Knowledge, In S. Cabell, S. Neuman, and N. Patton Terry (Eds.), Handbook on the Science of Early Literacy. New York:  Guilford Press.

Requa, M. K., Chen, Y. J., Cunningham, A. E.Irey, R. C. (2021). Teaching parents of at-risk preschoolers to employ explicit and implicit vocabulary instruction during shared storybook reading. Journal of Research in Child Education. DOI: 10.1080/02568543.2021.1931579

Chen, Y.J., Cunningham A. E. Rabe-Hesketh, S. & Hinshaw (2019). The effect of orthographic neighbors on second-grade students’ spelling acquisition. Reading Research Quarterly, 1-23.  doi:10.1002/rrq.291

Campbell, K.M, Chen, YJ., Shenoy, S.Cunningham, A.E. (2018). Trajectories of children’s writing development in pre-kindergarten: six months of repeated measures. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal.

Chen, Y.J., Irey. R.,& Cunningham, A.E. (2018). Word-Level Evidence of the Role of Phonological Decoding During Orthographic Learning: A direct test of the item-based assumption. Scientific Study of Reading.

Cunningham, A.E., Boyle Etter, K., Platas, L., Wheeler, S. & Campbell, K. (2015). Professional development in emergent literacy: A design experiment of Teacher Study Groups, Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 31, 62-77.

Cunningham, A.E., & Ryan O’Donnell, C.  (2015).  Teacher Knowledge in Early Literacy. In Alexander Pollatsek & Rebecca Treiman (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Reading. (pp. 447-462). New York: Oxford University Press.

Cunningham, A.E., & Stanovich, K.E. (2015). Forward. In P. Afflerbach (Ed.) Handbook of Individual Differences in Reading: Reader, Text, and Context.  New York: Routledge.

Cunningham, A.E. & Chen, Y. (2014). Matthew Effects:  The Rich Get Richer in Literacy. Encyclopedia of Language Development,                Thousand Oaks, CA SAGE Publications, Inc.

Arya, D.J., McClung, N.A., Maul, A. & Cunningham, A.E. (2014). The effects of early home literacy environments on fourth-grade literacy achievement: An international comparison. International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education.

Cunningham, A.E., & Zibulsky, J. (2014). It Takes Two: How Parents and Teachers Bridge the Gap between Listening and Reading Comprehension, In A. DeBruin-Parecki, S. Gear & A. Van Kleeck (Eds.). Pre-Reader Comprehension: One of the Essential Building Blocks to Becoming a Successful Reader. (pp. 215-233). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.

McClung, N.A., Ryan O’Donnell, C., & Cunningham, A.E.  (2014).  Orthographic processes and knowledge and their role in visual word recognition. In J.S. Adelman (Ed.). Visual Word Recognition.  New York: Oxford University Press.

Cunningham, A. E. (2014).  What the Experts Say: How Reading Changed My Life, (p.72-73).  New York: Scholastic, Inc.

Cunningham, A.E., & Ryan O’Donnell, C.  (2013).  Reading and Vocabulary Growth, In James F. Baumann & Edward J. Kame’enui, (Eds.), Vocabulary Instruction: Research to Practice (2nd edition). New York:  Guilford Publications.

Lonigan, C. & Cunningham, A.E. (2013). Significant Differences: Identifying the Evidence Base for Promoting Children’s Early Literacy Skills in Early Childhood Education. In C. Lonigan & T. Shanahan (Eds.), Literacy in Preschool and Kindergarten Children: The National Early Literacy Panel and Beyond. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.

Cunningham, A. E. & Zibulsky, J. (2011). Tell Me A Story: Examining the Benefits of Shared Reading Handbook of Early Literacy Research, In S. Neuman & D. Dickinson (Eds.), Handbook of Early Literacy, Vol. III. (pp. 396-411). New York: Guilford Press.

Cunningham, A. E., Stanovich, K. E. & Maul, A. (2011). Of Correlations and Causes: The Use of Multiple Regression Modeling in Literacy Research. In N. Duke & M. Mallette (Eds.), Literacy Research Methods. Vol. II  (pp. 50-69). New York:  Guilford Press.

Cunningham, A. E., Nathan, R., & Raher, K. Schmidt. (2011). Orthographic processing in models of word recognition. In M. L. Kamil, P. D. Pearson, E. B. Moje, & P. Afflerbach (Eds.), Handbook of Reading Research, Vol. IV. (pp. 259-285). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Cunningham, A. E. (2010). Reading Aloud to Students, Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology.

Cunningham, A. E. (2010). The impact of reading volume in a technological society. In S.Madsbjerg & H. Romme Lund (Eds.), Reading and learning, (pp. 53-62). Copenhagen,Denmark: Danish Psychology Publishing.

Joshi, M., & Cunningham, A. E. (Eds.). (2010). Perceptions and reality: What we know about the quality of literacy instruction. Special Issue: Journal of Learning Disabilities.

Cunningham, A. E. (2010). Children Literature, Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology.

Cunningham, A. E. (2010). Teaching Reading, Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology.

Cunningham, A. E., Zibulsky, J., Stanovich, K. E., & Stanovich, P. K. (2010). How teachers would spend their time teaching language arts: The mismatch between self-reported and best practices. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 42, 5, 418-430.

Cunningham, A.E., & Zibulsky, J. (2009). Introduction to the special issue about perspectives on teachers’ disciplinary knowledge of reading processes, development, and pedagogy. Special Issue on Teacher Knowledge: Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 22, 375-378.

Cunningham, A. E., Zibulsky, J., & Callahan, M. (2009). Starting small: Building preschool teacher knowledge that supports early literacy development. Special Issue on Teacher Knowledge: Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 22, 487-510.

Gray, J. H., Bulat, J., Jaynes, C., & Cunningham, A.E. (2009). LeapFrog learning design: Playful approaches to literacy, from LeapPad to the Tag Reading System. In A. Druin (Ed.) Mobile Technology for Children (pp. 175-198). University of Maryland, MD: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

Cunningham, A. E., & Zibuslky, J. (Ed.). (2009). Perspectives on teachers’ disciplinary knowledge of reading processes, development, and pedagogy. Special Issue: Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 22(4)

Joshi, M., & Cunningham, A. E. (Eds.). (2009). Perceptions and reality: What we know about the quality of literacy instruction. Special Issue: Journal of Learning Disabilities, 42, 387-480.

National Early Literacy Panel. (2008). Developing early literacy: Report of the National Early Literacy Panel. Washington, DC: National Institute for Literacy.

Lonigan, C. J., Shanahan, T., & Cunningham, A.E. (2008). Impact of shared-reading interventions on young children’s early literacy skills. In National Early Literacy Panel, Developing early literacy: Report of the National Early Literacy Panel (pp. 153–171)Washington, DC: National Institute for Literacy.

California Department of Education Report.  Child Development Division, California Department of Education, through a contract with WestEd.  (2008). California preschool learning foundations, Volume 1.  Sacramento, CA:  California Department of Education.

Cunningham, A. E. (2007). Increasing vocabulary, general knowledge, and reading fluency through print exposure: Teaching practices that can make a difference. Teaching tips for Teachers. International Dyslexia Association.

Cunningham, A. E. (2006). “Read, read. Read everything”:  Why reading volume makes students smarter.  California Reader, 40, 3-10.

Cunningham, A. E. (2006). Accounting for children’s orthographic learning while reading text: Do children self-teach?  Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 96, 56-77.

Cunningham, A. E. (2005). Vocabulary growth through independent reading and reading aloud to children. In E.H. Hiebert & M. Kamil (Eds.), Bringing Scientific Research to Practice: Vocabulary (pp. 45-68). Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum.

Cunningham, A. E., Perry, K.E., Stanovich, K.E. & Stanovich, P. (2004).  Disciplinary knowledge of K-3 teachers and their knowledge calibration in the domain of early literacy. Annals of Dyslexia, 51, 139-168.

Stanovich, K. E. & Cunningham, A. E. (2004). Inferences from correlational data: Exploring associations with reading experience. In N. Duke & M. Mallette (Eds.), Literacy Research Methods (pp. 28-45). Guilford Publications, Inc.

Cunningham, A.E. (2003). The value of reading volume and engagement in young children. Encyclopedia of Education, (pp. 2003-2007). New York: MacMillan.

Cunningham, A. E. & Stanovich, K.E. (2003).  Reading matters:  How reading engagement influences cognition.  In D. Lapp & J. Flood (Eds.) The Handbook of Language Arts, (pp. 666-675).  Mahwah, N.J.:  Erlbaum.

Cunningham, A. E., & Stanovich, K. E. (2003). Reading can make you smarter! Principal, Alexandria, VA: National Association of Elementary School Principal

Cunningham, A. E., Perry, K.E., Stanovich, K.E. & Share, D.L. (2002).  Orthographic learning during reading: Examining the role of self teaching. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 82, 185-199.

McCutchen, D., Harry, D., Cunningham, A. E., Cox, S., Sidman, S., Covill, A. (2002). Reading Teachers’ Knowledge of Children’s Literature and English Phonology. Annals of Dyslexia. 52, 207-228.

Cunningham, A. E., Perry, K.E., & Stanovich, K.E. (2001). Converging evidence for the concept of orthographic processing. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 14, 549-568.

Cunningham, A. E. (2001). Prevention/Intervention: A way of thinking. Professional Development Handbook for K-3 teachers developed with the Reading Success Network, Southern California Comprehensive Assistance Center.

Cunningham, A. E., & Stanovich, K. E. (1998). What reading does for the mind. American Educator, 22, 8-15.

     Reprinted in (1999). California Reading Initiative: Read all About it:  Readings to inform  the profession.(pp. 425-438). Sacramento,  

           CA: California State Board of Education. 

     Reprinted in (2001). Journal of Direction Instruction, 1, 2, 137-149.

     Reprinted in (2004). Grenzen uberwinden: Erfahrungen austauschen, Wurzburg. 53-74.

     Reprinted in (2007). Estudios Públicos, 108,207-228, Entro de Estudios Públicos © Santiago, Chile.

     Reprinted in (2008). Scholastic Classroom Books Compendium of Research, 38-50.

Cunningham, A. E. & Stanovich, K.E. (1998).  The impact of print exposure on word recognition.  In Ehri, L.C. & Metsala, J.L. (Eds.), Word Recognition in Beginning Literacy (pp. 235-262). Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.

Stanovich, K. E., Cunningham, A. E., & West, R. F. (1998). Literacy experiences and the shaping of cognition. In S. Paris & H. Wellman (Eds.), Global Prospects for Education: Development, Culture, and Schooling (pp. 253-290). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Cunningham, A. E. & Stanovich, K.E. (1997).  Early reading acquisition and its relation to reading experience and ability ten years later. Developmental Psychology 33, 934-945.

Cunningham, A. E.& Calfee, R. (1997).  A reading-writing language source book for the primary grades. San Francisco: University School Support for Educational Reform.

Paris, S.G. & Cunningham, A.E. (1996). Children becoming students. In D.C. Berliner & R.C. Calfee (Eds.), The Handbook of Educational Psychology (pp. 117-147). New York: MacMillan Publisher.

Stanovich, K.E., & West, R.F., Cunningham, A.E., Cipielewski, J., Siddiqui, S. (1996).  The role of inadequate print exposure as a determinant of reading comprehension problems.  In C. Cornoldi & J. Oakhill (Eds.), Reading Comprehension Disabilities. (pp. 15-32). Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.

Cunningham, A.E., Stanovich, K.E., & West, R.F. (1994). Literacy environment and the development of children's cognitive skills. In E.M.H Assink (Ed.) Literacy Acquisition and Social Context. (pp. 70-91). London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.

West, R.F., Stanovich, K.E.,  & Cunningham, A.E. (1994). Compensatory processes in reading.  In R. Dixon & L. Backman (Eds.), Psychological Compensation:  Managing Losses and Promoting Gains (pp. 275-296).  Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.

Cunningham, A.E. (1993).  Eeny, meeny, miny, moe: Testing policy and practices in early childhood education.  In B.R. Gifford (Ed.), Testing and Public Policy, (pp. 229-294). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Cunningham, A.E. & Stanovich, K.E. (1993). Children's literacy environments and early word recognition subskills.  Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 5, 193-204.

Stanovich, K.E. & Cunningham, A.E. (1993). Where does knowledge come from?  Specific associations between print exposure and information acquisition.  Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, 211-229.

Stanovich, K.E  & Cunningham, A.E. (1992). Studying the consequences of literacy within a literate society:  The cognitive correlates of print exposure. Memory and Cognition, 20, 51-68.

Cunningham, A.E. & Stanovich, K.E. (1991). Tracking the unique effects of print exposure:  Associations with vocabulary, general knowledge, and spelling. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83, 264-274.

Stanovich, K.E  & Cunningham, A.E. (1991).  Questions and answers:  Learning styles.  The Reading Teacher, 43, 697-698.

Cunningham, A.E. (1990). Explicit versus implicit instruction in phonemic awareness.  Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 50, 429-444.

Cunningham, A.E. & Stanovich, K.E. (1990). Assessing print exposure and orthographic processing skill in children:  A quick measure of reading experience. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 733-740.

Cunningham, A.E. & Stanovich, K.E. (1990). Early spelling acquisition: Writing beats the computer. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 159-168.

Cunningham, A.E., Stanovich, K.E., Wilson, M. (1990). Cognitive variation in adult college students differing in reading ability.  In T.H. Carr and B.A. Levy (Eds.), Reading and its Development: Component Skills Approaches (pp. 129-159). New York: Academic Press.

Stanovich, K.E. & Cunningham, A.E. (1990). Reading as constrained reasoning.  In R. Sternberg and P. French (Eds.), Complex Problem Solving: Principles and Mechanisms, (pp. 3-60).  New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Curricula and Research Tools:

Cunningham, A. E. (in preparation).  Teacher Study Groups:  Professional Learning Communities for Preschool Literacy. New York: Scholastic Education.

Margraff, J. & Cunningham, A. E.  (2023). Kinoo Beam Reader and Learning  System™.  San Francisco: Kinoo, Inc.

Cunningham, A.E. (Senior Author), Blevins, W., & Reed Marshall, T. (2023).  The Ready4Reading System™.  (Supplementary Reading and Knowledge Building Program). New York: Scholastic Inc.

 Cunningham, A. E. (Senior Author), Templeton, S. & Washington, J. (2022). Into Reading 2022™.  (Comprehensive English Language Arts Curriculum Grades K-6).  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Cunningham, A. E. (Senior Author), & Dixon, J. (2022). Waggle™.  (Adaptive learning system for K-6 ).  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Cunningham, A. E. (Senior Author), Argüelles, M. E., Templeton, S. & Washington, J. (2020)  Next Generation of Reading 2020™.  (English Language Arts curriculum K to. Grade 6).  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Cunningham, A. E. (Senior Author), Argüelles, M. E., Templeton, S. & Washington, J. (2021) Next Generation of Reading 2021™.  (English Language Arts curriculum K to Grade 6).  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Cunningham, A. E. (2022).  Teacher Study Groups:  Professional Learning Communities for Preschool Literacy. 

Cunningham, A. E. (Senior Author), Andrews, N., Argüelles, M. E., & Washington, J. (2017). Big Day for PreK™ (early learning curriculum)New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 

Adams, M., Hasselbring, T., Cunningham, A. E.,Washington, J., Cardenas-Hagen, E., Hunter, P. & Dockterman, D. (2015). iRead™ (digital adapted learning curriculum for K-2 literacy)New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Cunningham, A. E. (Senior Author), Andrews, N., Argüelles, M. E., & Washington, J. (2015). Big Day for PreK™ (early learning curriculum).New York: Scholastic Education.

Nathan, R., Cunningham, A.E. & Calfee, R. (Senior Author) (2003).  Ready Set Leap!™(digital learning curriculum for K-2 literacy)San Francisco: Leapfrog School House. 

Presentations/Professional Experience

Referred Presentations at Scholarly Conferences (students in italic)

Cai, Q., Toyama, Y., Inciarte, H., Hiebert, E., Cunningham, A.E., & Irey, R. (July, 2025). Friend or foe: The impact of feedforward and feedback consistency on reading accuracy in untimed fluency tests among second graders. Paper to be presented at the Society for Study of Scientific Reading Annual Conference, Calgary, Canada.

Inciarte, H. & Cunningham, A.E. (July, 2025). What a Cluster! The difficulty of consonant clusters across various tasks, modalities, and languages. Paper to be presented at the Society for Study of Scientific Reading, Calgary, Canada.

Hanlin, P.M. & Cunningham, A.E. (March, 2023).  Kindergarten executive function skills predict growth in reading ability: A linear growth model. Paper presented at the Biannual Meeting Society for Research in Child Development, Salt Lake City, UT.

Cai, Qing, Wong, B., Rabe-Hesketh, Cunningham, A.E. (July, 2022). Balancing bilingualism: Unveiling compensatory pathways for enhanced reading performance in US students via PIRLS 2021 analysis.Paper presented at the 29th Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading.

Wang. B. Cunningham, A.E. (July, 2022). Effectiveness of systematic morphological instruction for students with dyslexia: Evidence from latent regression analysis.  Paper presented at the 29thAnnual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading.

Hanlin, P.M. & Cunningham, A.E. (July, 2021).  Parent-child book sharing as a predictor of working memory development:  A linear growth model. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, virtual.

Zegers, M. & Cunningham, A.E. (July, 2021).  Measure development for assessing teacher knowledge about dyslexia in Spanish-speaking populations. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, virtual.

Wang. B. Cunningham, A.E. (July, 2021). Spelling "difficult" words: A more nuanced measure of lexical quality based on orthographic neighborhood. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, virtual.

Cunningham, A.E. (October 2019).  Leading the way:  Teacher professional development in the K-2 Literacy Instruction. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Literacy Association, New Orleans, LA.

Cunningham, A.E. (July 2018).  The effectiveness of preschool and kindergarten in promoting and maintaining early literacy skills in high poverty school districts. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Literacy Association, Austin, TX.

Requa, M., Chen, Y.J., & Cunningham, A. (July, 2018). Vocabulary development through shared storybook reading with preschool parents. Paper presented at the 25rd Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Brighton, United Kingdom

Cunningham, A.E. (June, 2018).  Effects of a relationship-based early literacy professional development intervention for preschool teachers on their practice and student’s academic growth. Paper presented at the Administration for Children and Families’ 2018 National Research Conference on Early Childhood (NRCEC).  Arlington, VA.

Cunningham, A.E. (June, 2018).  Differences in lexical richness between speech and print as a major source of individual differences in PrekK-3 children’s vocabulary development.  Paper presented at the Professional Learning Institute of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, Austin, TX. 

Cunningham, A.E. (April, 2018).  Relationship-based professional development: New models of disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge transmission. Paper presented at the California Association for Education of Young Children (CAEYC), Pasadena, CA.

Cunningham, A.E. (April, 2018).  Reading aloud to young children: The cognitive and social emotional consequences. Paper presented at the California Association for Education of Young Children (CAEYC), Pasadena, CA.

Cunningham, A.E. (April, 2018). It takes two: Facilitating young children’s oral language development through textPaper presented at the National Head Start Conference, Anaheim, CA. 

Cunningham, A.E. (April, 2018). Fostering family engagement: Bridging the opportunity gap for young children and their families. Paper presented at the National Head Start Conference, Anaheim, CA.

Fen-Fung Yap, D., Prinz, P. & Cunningham, A.E. (2018). Bilingual preschool children’s performance on English phonological processing assessments:  A study conducted in Singapore. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University of California Multidisciplinary Center for Research on Special Education, Disabilities, & Developmental Risk

Cunningham, A.E. (November, 2017).  Professional development in the structure of the English language to support kindergarten teachers’ emergent literacy instruction. Paper presented at the International Dyslexia Association. Atlanta, GA.

Cunningham, A.E. (July, 2017).  Symposium: Unraveling the link between reading ability and print exposure. (Invited discussant). Society of the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Conference, Halifax, Canada.

Cunningham, A.E. (July, 2017). Working together: A relationship-based program for K-2 teachers’ professional development in early literacy classroom instruction. Paper presented at International Literacy Association 62nd Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.

 Campbell, K., Chen, Y.J., Shenoy, S., & Cunningham A. (May, 2017). Trajectories of Children’s Writing Development in Pre-K: Six Months of Repeated Measures. Paper presented at the 2017 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.

Cunningham, A.E. (April, 2017). Collaborating for success: Relationship based learning for teachers and students in early literacy and language instruction. National Title I Conference, Long Beach, CA.

Cunningham, A.E. (March, 2017). Lively classroom conversations to facilitate early literacy and vocabulary development. TED talk, South by Southwest Education Conference SXSWed, Austin, TX.

 Shenoy, S. & Cunningham, A. E. (February 2017). Impact of home language and literacy practices on ELL students’ performance on a bilingual screening tool: comparison between low and middle-high income schools in Bangalore, India. Paper presented at the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia Convention, Hong Kong.

Cunningham, A.E. (November, 2016). The next generation of opportunity: Supporting English Language Learners and those with language delay. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Los Angeles, CA.

Cunningham, A.E. (November, 2016). Issues of fidelity and implementation in early elementary reading curricula. International Dyslexia Association, Orlando, FL. 

Cunningham, A.E. (October, 2016). Crucial factors in children’s reading achievement:  Significant clues. Keynote talk at the international conference When Struggling Readers Thrive. Calgary, Canada.

Cunningham, A.E. (May, 2016). Opening Ceremony: Bridging the gap between research and practice:  Early learning for English language learners with specific learning disabilities. National Head Start Conference, Nashville, TN.

Cunningham, A.E. (April, 2016). Fostering early childhood educators’ professional knowledge and practices in emergent literacy and language. California Association for Education of Young Children (CAEYC), Pasadena, CA.

Cunningham, A.E. (March, 2016). From Research to Recess: Early Learning in Practice. South by Southwest Education Conference SXSWed, Austin, TX

Cunningham, A.E. (March, 2016). Closing the opportunity gap for high poverty, urban preschool students: Professional development in language and literacy, California Title I Conference. Los Angeles, CA.

Cunningham, A.E. (February, 2016). Framework for what children need to know and do to succeed in reading achievement by Grade 3.  Keynote talk at the international conference When Struggling Readers Thrive, Saskatoon, Canada.

Cunningham, A.E. (November, 2015). Parent engagement as a mechanism for language and literacy growth.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Orlando, FL.

Cunningham, A.E. (July, 2015). "Learning Together: Professional Development in Emergent Literacy Through Engaging Conversations", International Literacy Association 60th Annual Conference, St. Louis, Mo.

Cunningham, A.E. (July, 2015). Transforming lives:  How to develop and support a successful, motivated young reader.International Literacy Association 60th Annual Conference, St. Louis, Mo. 

Chen, Y.J. & Cunningham, A.E. (July, 2015).  Speak your mother tongue at home! The contribution of speaking another language at home to early literacy development in English. Society of the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Conference, Kona, Hawaii.

Cunningham, A.E. (June, 2015). Professional development for preschool teachers in emergent literacy: A design experiment of a relationship-based curriculum via Teacher Study Groups. National Head Start Association 2015 National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development, New Orleans, LA.

Cunningham, A.E. & Requa, M.K. (November, 2014). Strategies to prevent reading difficulties: Research-based classroom-based activities that develop and support motivated successful readers.  Paper presented at the International Dyslexia Association. San Diego, CA. 

Cunningham, A.E. & Chen, Y.J. (July, 2014).  Orthographic images and the role of decoding fluency. Society of the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Conference, Santa Fe, NM. 

Cunningham, A.E. (May, 2014). Preparing knowledgeable K-5 teachers for effective reading and language instruction in high poverty school districts. International Reading Association 59th Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA

Cunningham, A.E. (April, 2014). Driven to make a difference:  Supporting successful motivated readers, National Head Start Association 41st Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA.

Chen, Yi-Jui, Requa, M. & Cunningham, A. E. (January, 2014).  Orthographic learning within the Common Core State Standards. Annual conference of the Multidisciplinary Center for Research on Special Education, Disabilities, & Developmental Risk, Santa Barbara, CA.

UC Berkeley, Graduate School of Education: 

  • Director of Joint Doctoral Program in Special Education, 1997-present
  • Associate Professor, Cognition and Development, 1998-present
  • National Academy of Education Spencer Fellowship, 1989-1991

University of Washington, College of Education:

  • Associate Research Professor, Educational Psychology
  • Assistant Research Professor, Educational Psychology
Clarkston Community Schools, Clarkston, MI:
  • Early Elementary Teacher (K-3)
  • Reading Resource Specialist (2-6)

Interest and Professional Affiliations

  • American Educational Research Association (AERA)
  • American Psychological Association
  • American Psychological Society
  • International Dyslexia Association
  • International Reading Association
  • California Reading Association
  • Council on Exceptional Children
  • National Association for Education of Young Children
  • National Reading Conference
  • Society for Research in Child Development
  • Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR)
  • Child Development
  • Cognitive Development
  • Early Childhood Development
  • Learning Sciences
  • Learning Disorders
  • Literacy
  • Special Education
  • Teacher Development
  • Teacher Education and Certification


PhD, Developmental Psychology, University of Michigan

MA, Developmental Psychology, Oakland University

BS, Child Development and Teaching Credential: Early Childhood Education & Elementary Education Michigan State University

Curriculum Vitae


Office #4419

School of Education
Berkeley Way West Building (BWW)
UC Berkeley
2121 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94720-1670

Office Hours

Thursdays Noon to 1:00 p.m.
and by appointment


(510) 642-4201