Darryl is a visionary Learning Scientist whose research explores the complex intersections of education, social equity, and human psychology. With a career dedicated to uncovering how underrepresented STEM students can thrive academically despite the often oppressive barriers of societal stereotypes, Darryl’s work shines a light on the transformative power of knowledge and self-awareness in traditionally exclusive fields.
At the core of his research lies a deep fascination with embodied cognition—a theory suggesting that the mind is not only connected to the body but is also deeply influenced by it. Darryl is driven by the idea that meaningful learning goes beyond intellectual engagement, encompassing a felt sense of knowledge that integrates the full human experience. His investigations draw attention to the psychosomatic dimensions of education, examining how interoceptive awareness and emotional intelligence can empower students to recognize and trust their inner truths. By understanding how physical sensations and emotions influence cognitive processes, Darryl aims to design interventions that elevate confidence and agency, particularly among those who have been marginalized in STEM environments.
His passion for impactful research is matched by his commitment to practical applications. Darryl has specialized in developing tools and experiences that allow learners to engage more deeply with academic content through psychosomatic and emotionally intelligent practices. He seeks to create opportunities for students to strengthen their belief in their personal value and potential, fostering a sense of belonging that transcends academic achievement and touches their holistic development.
Darryl’s scholarly pursuits are also grounded in a genuine concern for social justice and inclusivity. Through his work, he challenges entrenched norms and encourages educational systems to reflect the diverse and rich realities of their students. He believes that change begins when individuals can see (and feel!) themselves authentically represented in their fields of study—and he has dedicated his career to making this vision a reality. Whether designing immersive learning experiences or researching innovative interventions, Darryl remains unwavering in his mission to amplify underrepresented voices and create spaces where everyone’s intellectual and emotional contributions are valued.
His areas of expertise include embodied cognition, felt sense, interoceptive awareness, emotional intelligence, and psychosomatic interventions. Through his lifelong commitment to research and education, Darryl continues to inspire a future in which learning is as much about self-discovery as it is about academic rigor. His legacy stands as a testament to the enduring power of education as a force for personal and social transformation.
Specializations and Interests
Embodied Cognition, Felt Sense, Interoceptive Awareness, Emotional Intelligence, Psychosomatic interventions