Cassandra Yee

Cassandra Yee (She/her/ella) is a third year PhD student in the School Psychology program at the Berkeley School of Education. She received a Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Arizona in 2021. Cassandra’s current research focuses primarily on Latine immigrant youth risk and resilience, equity-centered professional learning, and mental health access at Hispanic serving institutions. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her shih-tzu Vinny, going to concerts, attending spin classes at CycleBar Berkeley, watching the Challenge and Jersey Shore, and playing Animal Crossing on her switch.

Specializations and Interests

Latinx Immigrant Youth Risk and Resilience; Interprofessional Collaboration; Equity-Centered Professional Learning; Hispanic Serving Institutions; Mental Health Access in Higher Education


BS, Psychology, University of Arizona

Curriculum Vitae

