Pa Vue

Pa N. Vue or Paj Hnub Vwj was born in Thailand and came to the United States in 1990. She has nearly a decade of experience working with high school and college students as an academic advisor and writing center coordinator. She is currently a PhD candidate in the School of Education at UC Berkeley and is also doing a Designated Emphasis in Indigenous Language Revitalization. Her research interests are in Hmong language reclamation, literacy, and indigenous knowledge production. She explores connections between literacy, language, and creativity, broadly conceived, and works toward engaging the Hmong community in creating emergent vitalities that can support Hmong language revalorization.

Specializations and Interests

indigenous language revitalization, indigenous methodologies, language ideology, digital literacy, program development and implementation, tutor training and evaluation, arts-based methodologies


MA, Education, UC Santa Barbara

BA, English and Linguistics, California State University, Chico

Personal Webpage

By Pa Vue
