How can education leaders foster the responsible and ethical use of generative AI, chatbots, and ChatGPT in schools?
A recent report from Education Week reveals that 56% of educators anticipate increased AI usage in schools for the 2024-2025 school year. However, there are ongoing questions about how educators and students can use this technology appropriately, responsibly, and ethically. In response to federal and state policies, researchers have developed frameworks and guidance documents to help education leaders evaluate the impact of computing on personal, ethical, social, economic, and cultural practices.
Building on these frameworks, our professional learning series will focus on enhancing participants’ critical AI literacy by deepening our understanding of the following questions:
- What is algorithmic bias, and what are its causes and implications?
- How does AI perpetuate and reinforce racial and gender-based stereotypes?
- In what ways can AI help educators personalize learning for historically marginalized students?
- How should school leaders evaluate AI products for transparency, data privacy, and ethical concerns?
- How should educators assess the credibility of chatbot outputs?
- Can AI effectively identify student cheating, and what does current research indicate
In this professional learning series, participants will:
- Critically examine the impact of AI on equity and justice in education
- Share lessons learned, best practices, and challenges related to the use of AI technologies in TK-12 systems
- Develop “guidelines” to support the responsible use of AI in schools