BSE Hiring

The BSE HR and Student Hiring team supports all hiring managers for staff and student positions at the Berkeley School of Education. The resource links on this page provide step-by-step guides that will walk you through the hiring process, from the decision to hire until your candidate arrives for their first day of work in the department.

As a hiring manager, how do I:

Hire a new staff person?

First Steps:

Process maps outlining how to:

Primary BSE Contact:

Time to complete hiring process: 6-12 weeks

Hire a TA/GSI/Reader/Tutor?

First Steps:

  • The GSI matching process requires both the hiring manager and the student to complete a form.
    • Faculty hiring mangers should complete the faculty form
    • Students will receive their form from BSE Student Hiring.

Process map outlining how to:

Primary BSE Contact:

Time to complete hiring process: 2-3 weeks

Hire a graduate student researcher (GSR)?

First Steps:

Process map outlining how to:

Primary BSE Contact:

Time to complete hiring process: 2-3 weeks

Hire an administrative student assistant?

First Steps:

Process map outlining how to:

Primary BSE Contact:

Time to complete hiring process: 2-3 weeks

Hire a postdoc?

Please contact Annette Lewis (

Sponsor a visiting scholar?

Process map outlining how to:

Primary BSE Contact:

Onboard a new hire to the department?

Process map outlining how to:

Primary BSE Contact:

Hire an academic title (Lecturer, Senate Faculty, Teacher Special Programs, Field Program Supervisor)?

Primary BSE Contact:


Berkeley School of Education
Berkeley Way West Building
2121 Berkeley Way, 4th Floor
Berkeley, Calif. 94720
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Weekends, Card key access only

Berkeley Way West Building Management

BSE Undergraduate Advisor