B-PIC offers a full-time Internship that begins in August and ends in June (10.5 months), following the school year calendar of the member school districts. All B-PIC interns are required to complete 1,500 hours of training during the internship year, which count toward the 3000 hours required for licensure as a psychologist in California and also meets the internship hours requirement for California’s school psychologist (Pupil Personnel Services) credential. Each school district may offer experiences that are unique to different sites that serve different populations with varying and diverse needs and challenges. Across school districts, interns will spend a minimum of 15 hours per week delivering direct services (face-to-face).
Interns receive a minimum of two hours of individual, in-person, face-to-face supervision each week from a doctoral-level licensed psychologist. Full day Training Seminars are held once a month on the UC Berkeley campus. Each 8-hour training begins with a didactic seminar on a professional topic that incorporates contemporary research. Seminars are followed by learning activities, case conferences, and group supervision.
The overall theoretical orientation of B-PIC is developmental-ecological. This perspective recognizes that the growth, development, and functioning of individuals must be understood in context. By context, we refer to both relationships and interactions with others and the characteristics of the environments in which they learn and live. These concepts are embedded in training seminars and reflected in the ways that services are delivered to children and families.